yesterday could have been worse

Had two flat tires, one 10 miles out a slow leak, so I think I nearly broke the pump getting to the outskirts of Eureka, to encounter the meth/whip-its/junkie population the town has to offer.
Remember, I barely remember it's a thursday, let alone thanksgiving.
Made it to Motel 6, cheap enough, but no free wifi, so Mcdonalds and free coffee(from the free coins I snag on the road).
The new rims I bought and had sent 'general delivery' arrived, just have to remember to check the post office I need to send those to if I do that in the future.  The rims thankfully are shrader valve compatible, so I can get tubes anywhere.
Had to fix the second flat a second time this morning, oh well, new tube.  But hopefully I won't have to depend on it for long, as I'm going to get two of the goodyear extra thick tubes for the new wheels.
Looking forward to getting on down the road.  Might leave early tomorrow.
Though I do have to replace the disc brakes, as the ones I have are loose, glad I have a second set.
So everyone, I'm getting close, I think if I find something good in Az or NM, I might stay there, as looking at Amarillo something happened in 2015 that gave several people a $30,000 property tax bill.
Other good news, going to cash in my freebie coins to make my walmart purchases cheaper, thank you road coinses, yer better than broken glass.


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