One more day in Oregon

Wow, one more state down, and four more to go.
And no, this has not been as easy as I had hoped, if I only had not been a month behind my schedule, the weather has been pretty iffy.
This morning according to the google and the local news, it was supposed to be sunny, and it rained, for several miles, especially the two plus mile hill I had to push the bike plus trailer up. 
Later though the sun finally came out, and many of the hills became manageable, as in that 41T rear cog got a workout today.
Made it to Brookings, city sure does start a few miles down the road, from where the actual city starts.
Found an okay motel, the manager guy sure gave me the evil eye as I was pulling the trailer into the room, but I managed even with the audience.
Could be worse, I could be going through snow. 


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