Last night was one of those things

We've all scene the exciting travel guy, jumping from rock to rock, meeting halfway interesting people, but they never show you the "no room at the inn" time, when you look around after 10pm Mcdonalds closes at 11, and don't see a place to camp.
I looked over at this strip mall, saw there was a nice bench in front of the veterans job placement, sure wish there wasn't a secure place to lock up my stuff, but anyway, the bench was wood so comfy enough, sat in my sleeping bag which was still a bit damp from all the 'moist'.  I will get it dry, one day. but that is not this day...
Odd how some folk in this little berg ride around on their bikes playing music very loud, stay in one place for a bit, then move to another place, more music, then repeat...all at 1am in the morning...and later, but even they got tired and went to whatever home they had.
Thankfully they gave me a wide berth...

But, I have coffee now, warming up, and I will get changed into clean clothes even though I am not...there is road to be eaten up....
Still tired....the sleeps will wait...


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