Batteries charged Hurties feel better

Thank you Lincoln City, it was tough getting here, but as my gateway to Hwy 101, things look promising, true I didn't go anywhere, I just sat and rested, but I feel better.
The maps make things look like there will be easier places to camp, and I had to learn the hardway, stop earlier, because finding a place later, can be not so much fun.

The breakfast here was nice, got one more to go, then it's time to hit the road.  Stuff all packed back up, looks like the food is getting eaten up, so more stuff can fit in the bins rather than on top of the bins...

Got my first two positive responses from, I know, people can't be available all the time, but yippie, get to meet some bike people along the way who are nice enough to host weary travelers for a night, maybe two if they have something really cool going on, but a safe place is all I need.  Get that shut eye, so I can rest an recuperate, which I think is part of why I'm not 100%, maybe 80%... 


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