Coos Bay

Full of promise, okay, the rain took some of that out of me, but I am safe and in the company of Margaret and Daniel Partner, two nice people helping me out on my way down the coast.  They fed me very well, haven't had Okra for quite some time.
The rain is back, so I'll be on the floor, and out of the rain.
I was going to try to get here yesterday, but the ominous clouds said rain, an then a few minutes later, they delivered, rain until about 1am, then on an off again rain all night long, the train at about 5am was almost a nice massage, but the moss kept the vibrations down.
So up on Monday morning to greet the day, looked great, then after an hour or so of hopeful pedaling, the rain came back, then thunder, far enough away with a 5 second count between lightening and sound.  I didn't expect to get Hail, little pill sized hail, but it thankfully gave up after 20 minutes, only to come back a little while later, the old story of wind making it easier to walk the bike than to ride it, at least I didn't have to push the bike downhill, lolz.
Coos Bay is an interesting place, some old town buildings that almost seem out of place when looking around at the industrial areas outside of it.
Up next is Tim Brogan, says he has a Goat, been thinking of getting one of those one day, after the dog of coarse.
Speaking of dogs, nice lady was out I think picking mushrooms at my camping spot I had over the weekend, she had a nice puppy, full of the luvz.
So now I await the UPS folks to deliver the magic bolt...s, that I need for the trailer.
Still no sign of mr UPS guy, guess since it's a smaller item it's gone to the back of the bus, maybe more deliveries to the other side of town, they'll hit here on the way back, seems distribution is in North Bend.

Yay! the magic bolts arrived, and tomorrow I can see if they fit, or that I damaged something else, which I doubt, aluminum shouldn't have hurt steel, just hope I can get all the aluminum out of the hole.
Doing laundry right now, so I should be set for quite a while, life is awesome, and then something breaks....lolz not.

So get out there and live some life, or you end up like the frogs on the side of the road, even the birds won't eat you.

After the magic bolts I camped a bit since it was freebie weekend at national parks, so I found an old piece of access road that was slowly being reclaimed by the forest, it was okay, until the rain showed up...
Put my tent right there in the middle, road was pretty closed off at the top, so no danger of someone backing over me, and it went into some sort of muck at the end.

 See, muck, glad I didn't put my tent there, water flowing past me on both sides wasn't all that comforting, but I had fun reading and relaxing for a couple of days.
The view above...some little trees.


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