Camping on the Beach

After Lincoln City, got hopping, a bit of hill, and not hill, found the Oregon Coastal Hwy Bike path, I'm hopeful that it was shorter, but at least it seemed as I didn't need to go up the huge hill.
Found a state park, but couldn't figure out the signage, nor the fees, I'm a hiker/biker, but they didn't have a spot for that on the map, so I just left, went about a half mile down the road saw another guy doing the same thing I am, camped near a beach access ramp, so I looked where he was, no room for me, so I looked on the other side of the parking area, room for me, set up the tent, locked the bike, and after about 1am the traffic started to die down, and I could hear the rhythmic sounds of the ocean waves, haven't had a full solid sleep through the night without waking for a while, eventually that should change, as things get warmer.
Battling the sleeping bag has been an issue, but I got it back into the bag easier this morning, Seiko gave me a tip, now if I can only get it to stay shut while I'm in it, largest size and I can barely fit into it...
Waiting on the drizzle to die down a bit, kind of don't want to buy another rain coat to replace the one I have, since where I'm going shouldn't really need one better than the one I have.
Yesterday when I was mailing back the seat that didn't work for touring and a couple of tshirts for packing, nope, don't need that many tshirts, while I was waiting for the post office to get off lunch break, a nice lady gave me a knit hat, might be llama or alpaca, it doesn't have that plastic smell, she said her daughter made them, so I've meet some nice folk, but there are a few that I'd like to through into south seattle an see how tough they are.
All those coins I've been picking up, well a $1.16 of them went to buying some extra tubes for the trailer, I think I have small leak on the right side, lets hope it lasts long enough for me to get the new bolts.  Don't want to have to take the tire off until I have all the parts.
the beach I slept near

Trees that have seen better days.

Surfer dudes, more dedication than waves to glide on.

I do find myself wondering, did I make the right choice, and I can't see any other choice, either die as a useless cog in seattle unhappy, or keep going, find that unpolished gem out there, and make it shine....
Well time to pack it in and get back out there....Coos Bay here I come.

Made it as far as Yachats, or, now the rain is just coming down in buckets, should have gotten a better raincoat, but will I need said better raincoat once I get further south?

There's wifi, and I'm dry enough, almost warm enough, and free donut tomorrow at 8am....with sugar that I hope will propel me down the coast, maybe I'll get lucky near Thor's Well and get a tail wind, not making great strides of mileage, especially against the headwinds, and driving rain... Gonna have to try walking in my wet shoes the ones with no ankle support if this rain continues...hope I'm well enough, and if I kick myself in the back of the ankle with the trailer again I might not be able to walk.
Darn hotmail is down and I can't contact my support peeps.


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