Leggett didn't have any signs of life so I went past it

Ah, good news, found  new cassette for the rear wheel, a 7 speed, which I think the bike shop in Eureka will be smoking a rotten turd in hell for telling me that the wheel was an 8 speed.
So after 9am getting to the 'athletic' store and finding a cassette that should work in the future, I had to go back to the motel to use what left of the wifi I had in the neighborhood.  So I could cancel the order I placed for the exact same thing, it was only a about 20 minutes, so cancel shouldn't have been much of a problem.  The new SEVEN speed wheel is doing well, not as much absorbsion of the trailer shimmy, but the wheel seems solid.

On the road again, and I think I made it almost to Leggett, ca, the campsite that has three locations wasn't open at the first, so when I saw the State campsite that's right next to 101, perfect, so many of these places are 10 miles away from the hwy, which if you drive is okay, but biking out just to bike back in sucks.  And is impracticle.
I picked campsite #11, had to use my free $20 bill across the street to make change, then it was $5 to get a biker/hiker rate on a campsite.  Gonna probably be chilly tonight, but doesn't feel like it will be as damp as the last campsite I was at.
Park area pretty much all to myself, no wifi, but I know for a fact that humans did infact exist...Before...the internet...and there is this program on the chromebook called text* that works offline, no interwebs, it's like notebook on windows.
A long time ago in a state far from here, in a place called Yelm, PoPo stopped me and told me I should get some reflectors for the trailer, I told them I would, did not expect it to take this long to find a decent refector to use, and better yet, more free tape to affix the reflector to the trailer.

Thinking more and more about places in AZ, nice little retiree like me would fit in nicely.  There's one that's finished for $20K, and then there's one twice the size asking for $24K, zestimate is $21, I'm thinking that since it's a fixer upper, maybe they would take $20K which leaves a few $K for fees, and since I want to make my own, it might just work.  Then I can get back to making stuff, as the road has been rather stressful.  All of these bike repairs I keep having to make, and hills suck BTWs.
Saw the 'World Famous...House in a Tree', it's something I saw it on an episode of My Strange Inheritance, lady who owned it seemed to not want to let it go, I guess she did, and yes peeps, it's a whole lot smaller than it was on tv.


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