Who biked 58 miles today, that'd be moi...bow down bishes....

I started the day taking my time, since I had planned to stop at mile marker 225 where there's a little exit, and camp there(Flagstaff is marker 196).
But as I was biking along, I just kept seeing the miles fly by, and it couldn't have been noon when I saw the exit for 225, so I just kept going.

Woot, mile after mile, just kept flying by, and here I am 58 miles later, a little tired, but feeling good, might be able to do this again tomorrow, on my way to Holbrook tomorrow, just a little 34 mile jaunt...

So, as I was biking by saw the twin arrows, then the bright shiny casino on the other side of the interstate(places that are bright an shiny don't come from a bunch of winners).  You would think they could do something for the upkeep of the 'twin arrows' with all the winnings....

Looks to be between paint jobs, this isn't my pic, I was busy pedaling.

Then after Twin Arrows, I saw the heavily photographed Two Guns, where there is an abandon KOA camp, again, not my pic, and I figured why bother stopping at a place that probably smells like pee.

But I did stop for a tea once I got to Meteor City, took a couple of pics, place must have been fun back when it was open...

Geodesic dome with a mohawk on it, the teepees were king of cool, but I had stuff to do.

It's also of note that by New Years I might be in New Mexico, that is if this speedy flat, semi clean road continues, lets hope NM has the same good roads with wide shoulders to ride on...


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