Made the Jump to Barstow....

All that pollution is behind me, since I rented a truck to avoid the LA fire smoke, and it was a good idea to hop to Barstow, once I got past the long hills cloudy with thick smoke the air cleared and the "high desert" as they call it was there to be seen.
Got to remember to bring lots of water for those times I won't be near a city or a faucet etc...

The wild times are upon me.

The maintenance I did on the trailer seemed to make it work better, it didn't shimmy as it had, and the removal of more stuff, well that helped too.

So two days in Barstow then I'm going down classic Route find my forever home..

So how long will it take for me to get to Texas? can't wait to be in the land of cheaper homes, and be a cranky old man down the street, doing art, building bikes, being a dog parent, and finally, waiting around to die...


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