Stuck in South San Francisco, but making do

So what to do while I wait for monday, finding out now I have to travel twice as far to get the uhaul truck, the google directions say it will take an hour to go 13 miles by bike, so double that since I'm dragging a trailer, but it looks pretty flat so unless I have a mechanical failure I should be able to get there.

Making use of my time doing something I had planned to do in Barstow since it's $49 a night there.
Cleaned out the bins, had some soap spill, don't seem to need to carry soap with me since wherever I go there's soap to use, so no sense in carrying that weight.

I had thought bringing Peanut Butter was a good idea, the oil separated doesn't help, but I haven't barely touched the stuff since it's just not convenient to eat, so it goes into the trash bag too, along with the spices that I brought with me, never use that, never any time to spice up the fudz.

So that's at least a good 20-30lbs of weight I don't have to drag behind me anymore.
And since it's such an odd duck to carry, the bucket I currently store water in juice bottles, well it's got to go too, so I can carry water more effectively.

And with some luck I can stow more stuff inside the bins instead of on top.  Stuff like clothes.

Yes it is hard to relax after hard charging 929ish miles, wow, it's been with the hunting for non existent signs so google can send me the worst possible way, probably more like a 1000 at this point, and I can't modify the google route further so 929 is only a bit of a guess.

Decided to do a little trailer maintenance, found out one of the wheels had several loose spokes, so tightened them up, and crammed grease behind the bushing that's between the two sealed case bearings, it had some grease when I got it, figured it might be a good idea to put more.  I think I got the wheel close to true, but it's hard to tell when you can't just throw this wheel on a stand to see.  It will roll at least, and I will find out.  Also moved the second bottle holder on the seat tube lower so I could get a second water bottle in there, just have to keep checking to see that it's tight.

Wrote out the directions, to the uhaul place, then the 5 hour drive to Barstow, so should be there tomorrow night, then bring the truck to the drop off on tuesday, which I hope means it will be cheaper to bring it back before thursday. 
Then I looked at the path to AZ, looks to be a straight shot to Kingman through the Mojave national preserve, along with places to camp, I'm hoping free places to camp as Cali is just too damn expensive.

Loading up my junk so I can get out of here at 6am, gonna be ready people.


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