Well, what to say about three cold days..a mile high?

Yes, at over 5000' it got cold, really cold, so cold that water started to condensate on the inside of the tent, froze my water bottles, but I'm warm now.
True it was a 60 minute tube change this morning, one more little gremlin of a bit of metal worked it's way into the trailer tube.  It's been working so well that the old tube I put in there as a liner had almost fused to the tire, so I put another old tube in there as well after plunking out the 1/4" piece of metal.
What was really hard was only getting to do one thing at a time before I had to put my hands into my pockets.  Then a nice trucker lady stopped and I was able to warm my hands on her tires, got it done and down the road I am, here in Ash Fork, Az, for a couple of days of rest.
And, well, I had another spoke snap on me, but this shouldn't be too hard to fix as I remembered to bring an extra spoke with me.  Seems the spoke got bent during the Hop past LA to Barstow when it was in the truck.  So lucky that the one I brought appears to be the same size, only thicker...
Camera battery died at 5000', so not to many pics, maybe the battery will be charged tomorrow and I'll have time to take a few pics of Ash Fork, seems like a rock quarry kind of town.
Injury report, the tent bit my finger, so while I was trying to change that flat tire, when the circulation returned to my finger, so did the bleeding, lolz...
Now I have time to get to the band aids.
Since it's so cold it look like a short trip to the next town, then an early day to do 34 miles to Flagstaff.
Texas here I come....
Might even stop in at Pie Town NM, looks a little shorter route and might be a touch warmer.
Below are some pics around Ash Fork

 No idea who Ted was, but the town of Ash fork sure does miss the days when his place was the place to be
 Look at that "V" shaped wing of gas pumps, no waiting for gas at Ted's.
 And the thank's for stopping by is still standing...
 The motel next door didn't have the best sign, but I bet I wouldn't have to sit outside of the office just to get wifi...the hotel this sign is at looked for sale, and in need of way to much reno.
 Other side
 This place also was for sale, plastic over everything inside.

 Sun bleach out your sign, no problem, just slap a Route 66 over it.
 Evidently it was a Diner sign, the building below didn't look too much like a diner though.
And these are the tools I've snagged over the last 30 miles, true I see tools all the time, but rarely pic them up since, more tools equals more weight, but these were just too good to leave on the side of the road.
On to Flagstaff tomorrow, where I hope I can get a better tent.  Hmm, I wonder if amazon could get it there next week?  I'll check but don't hold your breath, people doing holiday stuff, and I barely know what day of the week it is.

ANd here's the sunset tonight on CHristmas eve, I barely know it's sunday, hope I can get to the next town in a day, it's a 1000ft up in altitude, so can't wait for winter to be over here, as the locals say it only lasts a week or so.  Can't wait.


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