New years eve, I guess, I rarely know what day it is.

So did a little picture taking here in Holbrook, and more planning out the route I'm taking, the google is very frustrating, no I'm not constantly looking at the phone, I actually know what a map looks like, and I think I've got the garbage eliminated from the route google wants to send me, why leave a road you are already on, just to go over a block, then turn left for 1/2 mile, then turn left to get back ON THE ROAD YOU WERE ON IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Here's the Dairy Queen, nice old neon sign, kind of weird to see it below the brand new one.
 The arrow to point to the drive thru is pretty cool.

 Shogun Warrior Pow Wow...

 So much cooler without the light pole in the way.
 This just reminded me of the Sheriff office in the tv show Banshee, where the Sheriff office was in an old Cadillac dealership.
 One word describes this place, Diversify, ice cream, knives, petrified wood...
 And this is the really cool painted door, to look like an old saloon.
 Back in the day I guess you could get steak every stop on Rte66.
 And the door to this place is shaped like a stagecoach.

Nothing like a sign with a big Gun on it...

Bike repairs went well, next stop Walmart for extra parts so I won't get stranded out there with flat tires.  I have spares for both of the trailer tires, and if I loose one of the tires on the bike I can use the extra front wheel I have, so if I get another flat I'll survive, but anything worse than that would suck.  The next Walmart is down 77 from Holbrook, doesn't look too far.


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