The Golden Gate Bridge is mah Biatch!

Well, one of the benefits of yesterday's getting lost, is that I knew where I was going for the beginning of today.  First I stopped at the Lone Sailor statue on the north side of the Bridge.
I've seen the one in DC, and I think this one is bigger, and has a mustache.

Navy, we are everywhere.

Then I took a couple of pics of The Rock, no not Dwayne Johnson, Alcatraz, even from a distance it just looked like a rundown place that there's no money to fix it up. 

When I got lost near San Quentin, now that place is a prison, it says "don't come back here..."

But even though it was a moment for me to cross that bridge, the bridge itself was rather underwhelming, after all of the movies etc that bridge has been in, it didn't look that special.
 This part was kind of cool, but the rest of the bridge, meh.
 The view looking at the middle. An that's a Brit couple doing the same thing I am.

Think of how many feet have jumped from this sucker...
The view from the other side, see that's my handlebar on the bottom, under that purple bottle is where I keep the coinsies I collect, it's free coffee at Mcdonald's every once in a while.

Now after the bridge I discovered the total lack of signage in this city, and Golden Gate Park, smelled like a pile of dead bodies, the only half way not so bad smelling part of that park was near the bison, and we all know what comes out of them and what it smells like. 
I can only assume that the homeless are using that park as their own toilet, good luck with Hepatitis San Francisco, yer gonna need it.

But I made it through, to South San Francisco, to find out that I can't get a truck to get out of here until Monday.  When you are traveling by bike, days of the week, is it thanksgiving, really do not resonate with the traveling brain...So stuck at the Travelodge, not so bad, only took 15 minutes to unload the trailer, not much around here to do, but I can get some extra rest, and I was thinking I would do this when I got to Barstow, but no time like the present, go through all of the bins and re-organize them, maybe I can get them lighter. 


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