Today was a light day, doesn't feel like a light day, but I am trying to stagger the 30mile days with lighter days for recovery, and I don't want to get to San Fran too soon, but not too late, so I can bike through just south of the San Fran, where hotels have rooms on the ground floor, and I won't be too far from the truck rental to take me to Barstow.
Saw this really cool lawn art on Mendocino...

The google directions tried getting me lost again, but I blundered right on through, and the guy at the Trek store on Mendocino Ave was great, helped me and helped a customer looking for a light at the same time.

Then I encountered a nice Korean Couple(Young & Jinny), she had an almost flat rear tire, even with that she was fast, I talked with her husband a bit about bike touring, loaned them my bike pump.
After a bit we exchanged info so I hope to email with them in the future.
Tried going to the Quality Inn, but they said they were full up, and from the full parking lot I guess that's where all of the fire refugees are staying.
So ended up at the Motel 6, where the interwebs are not free.  And the road crews staying there seem to love running their diesel trucks all day long.

Had some bike maintenance to take care of, the rear brake lost a pad, but Petaluma Hill Road didn't have too many steep hills, so I was pretty safe with only one brake. (New brake worked well today)

Also went to the hardware store, new wrench and an index of star keys, so I can tighten the brake discs when they come loose.

I can say, there is nothing on tv, which almost makes me want to head on down the road to Starbucks to read something interesting on the Facebook, see a new bike that someone is building.  All the good stuff on tv was on in the morning, Jack and Ozzy.

Next day(since there was no free interwebs last night) followed the google directions as closely as I could, but thankfully I saw a sign that said Novato 9 miles, so I skipped somewhere, or google doesn't know what the names of the streets are, Again, followed Novato Blvd, then had to find the bike path that didn't have much of anything telling me what it was.  Then stopped at the Marin Inn to ask cost, then continued to the place I thought would work, then got there to discover that they didn't have much in the way of lower units, so came back.  Not a cheap room, but lots of really good amenities(I loathe that word), it has a Kurig, and breakfast.

I have news, I am an Alpha, as the cows saw me coming and headed towards the Bull for safety, nice to know some ladies notice my manliness.
Must be the healthy life I'm leading these days, I feel great and I think I'm quite a bit thinner, wish I could get into a routine for shaving, the hair on my jaw drives me nuts, wish I could afford laser.

The roads I was on, places, topography looked just like Kung Fu, and many other serial tv shows, so to a certain effect I am livin the dream.
Time for a shower, and more rest, and look up where I'm going next, hope I don't get lost, again.

And no flats, so far, tires could surprise me tomorrow morning though...


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