Well it was a top of the quads day, as I have tried to mention, the horizon messes with your vision and you think you are getting to some downhill, but when you get there, you are pedalling as hard as you can, and getting nowhere, or it appears to.
I did about 44miles today, not bad, leaving 34miles to do tomorrow to the next hotel, or at least I hope they are open this time of year.
The econoomy inn in socorro, not great, so sad when people think they can use joint compound to fix holes in a bathroom.  The long dark hairs from the cleaning lady still left on the walls wasn't inviting me back.
Had two waffles, some oatmeal, even took an extra pack with me for later.
I'm hopeful with today's miles I have three more days until Roswell, not sure if I will have any interest in 'alien' exhibits, if they are out there, they most likely will have more important things to do than waste their time on humans.
Getting late, time to roll out the bag and bivy, and rest, I earned it today.
Woke up to the sounds of Owls getting snuggly, and way off in the distance some coyotes maybe pups howling, and playing.
Wind changed direction in the night, but thankfully it was just for an hour or so, as I had tucked the tarp down on the north and western sides, but I was snug as a bug.
All that sleep did me some wonders, went up more hill, and more hill.  And it looks like 13 more miles of hill tomorrow, as I have three days of 30 planned. 
As it is just under 90 miles to get to Roswell, so two nights camping before I'm at a warm shower.
Had a burger fix, then the burger place next door closed up at 6??? wtf.  So had to settle for the Family Dollar special.
Going to wash it down with some honey nut cheerios.

Pretty soon the sleeps will be calling, when you bike 30+ miles in a day, sleeping is a good thing.

Still planning a Burrito/RatRod bike, low slung, but beefy cargo trunk on top, see if I can do a Studebaker nose on it, I know, many people don't like em, but I always thought they looked Buck Rogers Cool.  But that's after I get my new forever home....

Nothing really picture worthy, so no pics.


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