Got mah mind on mah money wit mah money on mah mind...

Well I knew the first day out of Corrizozo would be brutal, and it was, not that it was the 13 miles of uphill I was looking at, it was the wind, then the hill.
Speaking of hills, this I hope is the last 'divide' I have to go over.
But I made it, was planning on only doing 30 miles, but local circumstances made me have to pedal a little further down the road, so instead of stopping at mile 96, I stopped just past marker 100, which means I am 406 miles from Coleman, and 6 miles from being under 400, woot!
I had seen the signs for a 'state park' ahead, well the town of Lincoln looks to be a 'tourist destination' during the summer as the one hotel was closed.
With all the hard road to slog today, I should be able to do at least another 34 miles, but I think the topography ahead isn't as tough, so maybe I can put in 40, which would leave me 15 miles to do on the last leg to Roswell.
Enough about traveling, saw Captain, and Lincoln, which seem to have a Billy the Kid connection, with all the hills, rivers and whatever they call those holes in the ground, perfect place for an outlaw to hide.
Gonna be a cold one tonight, so bundle up.

Got my mind on mah money an mah money on mah mind...since everyone else is sipping bong water, smoking lawn clippings and is laid back...
If I thought yesterday was brutal, well the overcast skies with a -20 wind chill today was a real butt kicker.  At least yesterdays wind wasn't cold.
But today isn't all bad, no sunshine, well my mind made it's own, as I found a Sterling Silver bracelet on the roadside, all mines, might be $40 worth of silver, as I got $20 for that bent ring I sold at the metal  place a while ago, who knows what it will bring, I'm not rich yet, but maybe I will be one day.
Twenty one miles to Roswell, found a good spot to stop and cover up the tent with tarps to act as a wind break, I'll bundle up tonight, but that's in a couple of hours, so it's typing time.

Right before Hondo is where 380 merged with 70, and that means more traffic, I was getting spoiled by the kind folk on 380.
Day three, made it to Roswell, it was cold this morning, so going to do more touristy stuff here, rest up, and then it's 353 miles left.
Bought some mittens to go over the gloves, and another sleeping bag, still not sure what to do about the cold feet in the morning riding.
But hey, it's only 353 miles left, I should be able to get past anything at this point.
Time for some Fanta, it's almost like Grape Nehi....


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