7550ft above sea level feels about what you would expect..

First day out of Show Low, only a few orange syringe caps, not like US 77 where there were several needles and almost as many burnt spoons.
Only made it about 30 miles, but with it mostly all uphill to 7550ft.

So made it down a few hundred feet, into a little valley, doesn't seem to windy, that was where the cold was kicking my behind last time camping, and tonight I have my Bivy and flannel jammies.
The weather said it wasn't going to get below 30 tomorrow morning, weird how it's coldest around 7am.
Found a drive way for State land, I guess people get permits and go hunting on it, so I'm on the non hunting side, and it's winter, who's out hunting?  So seems like a good place to camp.
Still dreaming of that two story house in Coleman, that hapless feeling waiting to get somewhere hoping that the place will still be for sale when I get there.  I have a couple of fall back places just in case.
The second story just screams out SOHO loft art space to me, so that's what I want to do with it.
4:45 and it feels like the sun is just about to disappear, good choice to stop and make camp, I had some thoughts of trying to make it over that next hill, but we've been there before, go over that next hill and you'll be biking another ten miles before finding something else.
True, you don't pick up food laying on the side of the road, but when I saw four bags of spicy "hot cheese" popcorn, with the expiration date of 01/27/2018, and that large empty box a few feet away from them, figured must be for me.  At $1.50ea that's $6 worth of snacking I don't have to pay for.

I would take pics of the countryside, but even if my camera did panoramic pics, it just doesn't seem like it would really convey the "MIDDLE OF NOWHERE" that I am in the middle of.

Made it to Springerville, after one night on the side of the road, legs feel tired, even resting every 1/4 mile was barely getting it done.
But the report on the Bivy, jammies, etc, kept me warm.
So no worries about camping on the side of the road, I'll be doing that for a couple of nights before the next hotel opportunity to wash up etc.

Side of the road for riding hasn't been great, new trailer tire is a bit sluggish, or is it me, over inflated it and it seemed to roll a bit more smooth.
I hope NM has either a nice wide shoulder like Nevada, or no shoulder so I just have to ride in the road and there are nice people who can figure that out.

Tonight was a stay at an America's Best, I lucked into the handi-suite, but it was still an example of trailer olympics to get the mattress out of the way so I could get the trailer hitch far enough into the room, so I could turn the trailer, I'll be nice and put the mattress back when I leave, the excessive furniture out of the way, no idea why they put three chairs in a room with 'one bed', kingky...lolz...

As for altitude it won't start going down until after Pie Town...here's the link to the route I'll be on....it shows that I've got less than 669 miles left, and if you take out all those bad directions google tries to send you on, it's probably a good 20 miles shorter than that.  And no, you cannot move the map to take out the stupid.  Over one block, then a half mile, then back to the road you were already on.

It's 48 miles to the next place with a cafe/hotel, so it'll be at least one day on the side of the road, but since it's all uphill, might be more.


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