Couple days on the road....

Whoo hoo, free place to stay, Cylon Headquarters, the Toaster House, which, building codes, lemme shine those up for you, turn em sideways....etc.  Whoever built some of this house sure used a lot of 24" metal ceiling tiles, the patina on the outhouse alone could be worth $1000 for all those tiles...It's part of the continental divide hiking path, so lots of campers have been through here.
Have the place all to myself, seems as though one of the local cats got in here, but the smell is tolerable.
I bequeeth the house two tire levers, the cheap ones always break, so better someone has an extra when they need it.  I have the wide good one, it won't break.
Taking the penthouse spot, warmest part of the house.  Strange that people would leave sex toys behind at a place like this, eh, youth...
Plan to make it to Magdalena on wednesday is looking good, I hear the road ahead is nothing but flat, so shouldn't need the brakes I don't have.
And since this is Pie Town, had to have pie, I had a Cherry with White Chocolate ala mode.
The Gathering Place, really nice people, made me feel right at home, nice Texas music, and as I did my research I knew they were the only pie place in town that was open.  Other people would drive by then go down the road, then come back, too bad they won't be open when I leave tomorrow.
Really cool sign that says STOP, on it, it's in a bird shape and I can't remember if I've seen another one somewhere else or I've seen pictures of this sign and didn't know where it was located.
Tomorrow is monday, I guess.  The days of the week, just not my forte anymore.
Gonna have some spicy popcorn and some La Croix, going to let it warm up a little, as it's been sitting out in the fridge for a while, funny how 8000ft can effect things.
This here boy from 300ft above sea level is making it, but I wouldn't want to live here.
Should mention that it rained here last night, maybe .25", but here that's a downpore.
Night in the Toaster House was nice, still very creepy to be in such a strange place all by myself.
Woke up a little before the alarm, got my stuff together, and got out the door pretty early.
Ran into a bike guy with a support vehicle, testing out some new ebike hub on a trip to Las Vegas, nice guy.

 Only pie in pie town

 Nope, Seiko, didn't think of you at all when I ate this Cherry White Chocolate Chip pie....
 I swear I've seen this type of sign somewhere else, like on a hotel/motel somewhere.


 Shoes that have served their purpose.
 Old Willy's 4x4 Jeep, I know it's a 4 wheeler because it has the flip down bed on it, the 2 wheel drive had cattle doors.

 Look at all that patina ceiling tiles, money money money.

 The penthouse.
I slept on the top bunk, pretty comfy.

Ate lunch at Datil, and it was still pretty early, so kept going, only 22 miles to Magdalena to do tomorrow, so looks like I'll be staying there for a couple of nights, good for a rest.
Tonight is a little roadside camping near the antenna array on the Plains of San Agustin, weird watching these huge dish things all turn at the same time as I was biking along to the Historical Marker, a bit windy, but I'm hoping the tarps will be a good wind break,
Already feeling better at the lower altitude, that 8000ft stuff is for birds, they don't have brains.
Had to stop and change out the gear cassette, the other one was wobbling which isn't good, I thin I might have to change the guide wheels on the derailer, but I have spares of those, and if that doesn't do it, then new chain, got that too.
Just a couple more days and I'll be under 500miles to Coleman.
Slept near the array out in the middle of nowhere, had a weird moment when I stood up from sitting behind my bike/tent, the cows had moved in, and they were all staring right at me...lolz.
Made it to Magdalena, brakes aren't here yet, but the post office knows they are a coming.
Replaced the chain, and idler wheels on the derailer, since I bent the last one, I saved the wheels from the first one, knew I would need those, and whalah, improved the drivetrain, now if I can just make it stop.
I'll take some time tomorrow to take pics of this happenen little berg of Magdalena, if it wasn't 6500ft above sea level, might want to stay here, nice people.

 These cows just couldn't stop staring at me...
More cows staring at me, they even stared at me when I was biking away this morning....weird cows.
This is the position of the array when I was sleeping.


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