10 miles to Texas

First day out of Roswell, gonna miss that place a little, nice town.
I picked up a trick with google directions, shorten the entire route to what you are going to do over a few days, that way the algorythm will give you better topography, as with today was mainly uphill, but still fairly pleasent, did 35/36 miles today, up to mile marker 190.
All by 4pm, not bad, now I'm tired though...Passed quite a few animals on the first few miles, very tame and playful, they just didn't know I couldn't come over and play with them.
Found a penny and a quarter, and a nie Vise Grip brand pair of channel locks, you push the button to adjust them, so I snagged that.  Also found a nice long sleeve t-shirt to add to the collection, much easier than putting on sunscreen to wear a long sleeve shirt.

And tomorrow, I should be in Texas, you heard that right, after nearly three months I am knocking on the door to Big T, heck, I might even have to start rooting for the Cowboys, that is if the nfl can ever get off their knees.
Tonight I try out the new Coleman sleeping bag, over the existion sleeping bag.
Wind is out of the south, but it's still going to be freezing tomorrow morning at 5am until 7am when it gets to it's lowest point, before the sun comes out and it starts to get warmer, for that I have my thinsolate mittens...
Things are looking up, only 100 or so miles to a warm hotel bed, and cable tv.
Day two, made it about 40 miles by 1:30, ground was fairly flat, had the wind mostly at my side, not that there was much.
Made it to Tatum, Nm, and found a hotel that is doing some remodeling, might be why it isn't on the google, but a room with cable, warm shower.
So in two days I'll be in Brownfield, Tx, closer to my goal.
That is if my goal is still for sale.
But the two sleeping bag set up worked great, kept me warm, did have to put the second bag on top of the trailer to dry, little bit of condensation on the bottom of the bag, but was dry in my cocoon.
Getting there peeps.
If you are so motivated feel free to buy any of the much needed things on my wishlist, as I can't find everything on the side of the road.
So over the past two days I found two long sleeve shirts, as I have to rebuild my collection of shirts, I pick the good ones, and wash them when I can.
Also found a security rope for safety, it attaches to a harness.  A nice wrench, vise grip brand of channel locks, with the push button in the middle to adjust it.
And $.31 in change today...picking up the coinsies still keeps my day interesting.


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