Got my first free road map

Why buy when you can request for free, so thank you Texas for sending me a very useful road map.
Next up is NM, AZ, and just requested CA & OR, so analog maps, I'm gonna stand out.
Supervisor asked me yesterday to write and sign the resignation letter, so last night I did the math, added up all the vacation I'll have at the end of September, and I'll have over 100hrs of vacay, which will be over a month on vacation, which means I will earn two more days worth of vacation while on vacation, which will take me officially into November, as still actually employed, but as I know from when I had a job transition all I need to keep my medical is to work one day in a month and that keeps the medical coverage for the whole month.
So I'll be covered up until December, but I'll be far far away from here...
In the immortal words of Ed Asner, "So long suckers"

So that's it so far, going to go for the yardsale this weekend, get rid of some stuff, downsize, get a little coin for the stuff I don't want to take with me.  
Then it's 12 hour days next week, little bit of time an a half, so more money to take with me, as I won't have a job after I quit, won't have a place to live either...but I'll be on my way to a forever home, and a dog...
Image result for dog curled up in a sleeping bag


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