Artwalkies and leaving town...

Tomorrow is the artwalk, and I do believe this will be my last artwalk in Seattle, barring me becoming an "Artist in Residence" somewhere in town, art is going into storage, then it will be fallowing me when I find a new place to live, make art, build bikes etc.

Nope, don't know when or where I will find the new place, but I'll know it when I get there, maybe.

Seattle isn't Seattle anymore, and not just climate wise, without the people, to make a city what it was or is, it isn't the city.
So micro-millionaires, enjoy the gilded cages you are creating for yourself.

I'll be looking forward to a really long bike ride, camping, being away from the electronic world not just the working world(I'll be quasi-retired).  Looking for a more analog place to live, not just a place with fewer people, a more affordable place, and a dog, cause dogs are full of louves.

So fallow along, I'll be posting when I can, free wifi is out there, just not everywhere, so you can practice your delayed satisfaction.


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