120 days, and just had to make one last painting

Sold one, yes ONE of my perspective paintings, and I'm guessing it will be the last painting I sell, which means they will end up on a wall somewhere when I find a new home....as will all of the new art I paint in the future.  That's $40 in mah pocket, and one less painting I have to take with me.

I like my own stuff, so if it doesn't sell, that's okay, I like it, and inspired by those British manor houses that would have paintings floor to ceiling.

So I've got paint to get rid of, and a lack of ability to do something I will take with me, cause then I would have to store it, and I'm already pushing that boundary as it is.

Here's one last painting seattle, it's only temporary, since it's attached to the house an will be torn down after I leave, it's a goner...


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