Extra crap module....

The days go slow when you're waiting for the engines of commerce to finalize.
This weekend I did get to build something, probably one of the things I'll miss out on the road, but I'll have other things keeping me busy.
But today I made a bracket for the two wheel trailer that I'm going to tow behind the single wheel.  I snagged this trailer for free, the tow arm was broken where it connected to the front of the trailer, no idea why that wasn't metal instead of the lame plastic they used.  I replaced it with a piece of Trex decking, so that should last, and then the bracket that goes on the axle, then a pin goes through it into the hitch.  I welded two bits of angle iron, which took a couple of minutes, then it took nearly two hours to use all those bits I never got around to using, cheap bits, but I finally drilled the right size holes.  One for the axle, and two for the pin.
I just keep finding stuff I want to take with me like FOOD, that will get used, and then what to do with the extra trailer then, and in my mind I have this image of a booster rocket falling off behind Major Tom...
So the plus, got extra trailer that I can take the food I think I can take with me, so that will keep me fed for quite a bit, and then I'll figure it out as I go, not like this is a speedy race.  True it will make me pretty slow, but if I can avoid having to buy food, or stop to deal with people for a while, all the better.   It also can take some weight, and if it dies, I won't feel bad, okay I'll be free so I won't be feeling bad at all.
This is the new bracket.
 And below is the trailer, the new part I created(see the brown square), and the old bracket I used since I couldn't use a bracket like the one above on the cargo bike I was using to tow the trailer.
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So gonna leave it behind somewhere, after the food is gone.
I also figured out how to make do with the pannier bags I have, they aren't water-Proof, and probably vaguely water resistant, I'm going to stuff things into ziplock bags, like clothes, spices, oh dry socks, I love dry socks, soap, that I'm going to stuff down the heavy duty boots I'm taking with me, then wrap the boots as well.
So the plan is coming together, soon to start selling stuff I won't need to take with me, or pay to store it.
Sometimes when you try to adjust things, you break them an then have to do the fix all over again, so that little brown piece I made, I made it again.  Should work even better.
 Above is the double trailer set up, took it for a spin, rolled pretty smoothly.
 My manufactured bracket in action.
 Rear view, I removed that broken reflector.
 New block of Trex in place.
After this I used some varnish on the bracket since I didn't have any black paint and re-did the bolts.  I was busy today, keeps my mind off the fact I'm about to change the frak out of my life in six months.


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