A venting blog

Hmm, had a weird call come into work today, some Snake Farm Ins. rep with a claim number, checked the number, it was real, but the only thing I can think it could be is this idiot with a car who tried running into me as I was walking on the sidewalk, she looked right at me an kept coming out of a parking garage and almost ran over my feet, instead the basket on my bike connected with the side of her car, she tried saying I hit her, an I told her to F*** off, an left, she hit me, pedestrian on the sidewalk.
No wonder I want out of this city, when pedestrians can't walk on the sidewalk without people in cars trying to hit them an then calling the cops, saying hit an run.
Cops took my info, and that's been the last I heard of it.
I know I didn't give them my work number, so that's suspicious, and really, what can they do, I'm a pedestrian who was walking on a sidewalk, true this could interrupt the sale of the house, but I doubt it, but then again I could use my home owner's insurance, so everything is just taking forever.
And since when do insurance people call like bill collectors to people's work.

No wonder I want out of here....this is the city now,  people who try to injure other people an then blame them.  
Today at work I watched a co-worker come back from his route, go on break, then come back to what he had brought back from the route, to then sort through the mail he brought back, crazy idea, why not keep the mail separated when picking it up, an then drop off the mail where it goes, put the keys away, then, yes then, go on break.

This is the Seattle of today, a Mayor who wants people like that, and yes I know it isn't just him, it's the people who put him in office.  Raise taxes, raise taxes and yet again, they still don't have enough money to waste.
No wonder I want out of here....
The junkies that permeate the homeless camps turning spot after spot into junk piles, the city plays 'wack a mole', clear one spot, they move in somewhere else.
Bike chop shops that just turn my stomach, turn up in every spot that they take over....
No wonder I want out of here....
Well so much happening with others, I can't wait to be out on my own... 


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