Back to waiting...

Got the new tent, small, but it will do, the next bigger was 2lbs heavier, and weight is something I'm focussed on, and I might loose some stuff as the trip goes on, making things lighter.
Also the reflective mat looks like it will last a few months.
Looking forward to Texas, dreams of what I can do with the commercial place I have my eye on, small studio apt in back, lay down a 2x6 floor on top of the cement slab, allowing room for plumbing.  And then workout room, art production, and bike shop/storage.
Re: Bike shop, I think if it doesn't work, it will at least look like I'm trying to do a business instead of just some crazy guy with some bikes....
And a Dog, there's room in back for a Dog to have someplace to pee in the morning.  
I just wonder about what kind of fence they might let me put up.
Took my cycle truck to the store today, first time in a few years that I've used it with the rear wheel I actually built for it.  So I'm back to 2spd auto-shift with a coaster brake.
Time for sleeps.


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