Another $40 today

The downsizing continues, sold a desk I turned into a vanity, used so much free stuff to make it something a girl just had to have.  Couldn't believe they rented a van to pick it up.  I used a piece of acrylic mirror, cut it to the size of a piece of beveled glass I had, and yes, it looks like a beveled mirror should look.
I might even miss this fixing stuff up stuff, turning free stuff into money.
Skillz, I haz dem.
Just waiting for the weather to improve so I can get to unloading major amounts of stuff I snagged for free.

Okay, back to thinking about my trip, I'm surprised at how calm and confident I am that this is going to at the worst be just 'kind of fun', and could be down right amazing.
Note to others, getting my dental stuff done before I quit the job, and yes, I'm getting a root canal from a dentist that is so amazingly gorgeous, I mean wow, this woman so hot.  Makes it hard to concentrate on the smart things coming out of her lips.  


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