Boxed up another bike today

So boxed up the last bike today, the cycle truck will jut have to be taken apart and put on top of the pile.
Two weeks an I move my stuff into storage, and I was thinking, if someone did steal my boxes of bikes, they'd have a tough time of putting anything together to sell, since I'm the one who took the stuff apart, and knows which box it's in, and how to put it together...muahahaha....

Saw my last two Zootunes concerts, CAKE, and Rick Springfield opening for Pat Benetar w/hubby Neil.   
I might have 23 work days left, but I might not be able to talk the supervisor into letting me take the 25 & 26th off sick, but I'll wait until we get a little closer, really, is it going to matter if the guy who's position who isn't getting replaced leaves a little earlier, I don't think so.
Selling some lights tonight, and while I'm doing that I'll take apart the powerrack, one of those pieces of workout equipment that's cheaper to keep.  then I think I'm ready to move...


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