40 days until I'm out of a job

Well, the term for that is 'retired', but technically since I'm not old enough, I will be transient...

Tomorrow I work some of the last full time days of this job I have had, showing up at the same place for 21 years, just a different floor as of the last 8 years.

Got some good information from a TED talk, Bob on a Tallbike, I'll have to think of this as a performance art piece I guess, then be more personable, also, get a dry erase board, and a donation cup.

Going to try to contact as many people on the Warmshowers.org site, seems a bit more people friendly and useful, than other sites that are at face value, quite a few hotel ads.

It's 46 days until I'm free of this place I have called an address for nearly 40 years, I call it an address since I never really 'chose' to live here, so it really doesn't feel like 'a home'.  I hope to find a home, or at least a furbaby(a dog) that will share some time on this rock with me.
Okay, I think I'll do a bit on the touring bike before bed...


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