53 days an I can't wait to get out of here

The heat wasn't too bad last night, turned on the ionizer fan, slept pretty well, still selling stuff on the FB groups, but some people are being flakey.  But sell sell sell I do.
The first parts of the drive train rebuild start showing up tonight, so when is the worst time to start rebuilding the drive to the bike you are going to ride across country?
Oh yeah, when you have 60 days left before you leave, duh, some of the shipping arrival times are going to cut it close, as I plan to move my stuff into storage at the end of the month.
So I have the derailer tonight, shifters over the weekend, and a new sprocket cassette next week.
I already changed the chain, so new cranks, and chainrings to make things go smoothly, I didn't like the shifters on the bars anyway, so I'm switching to a top tube mounted shifters.
So let that be a lesson to you, with 60 days left before you have to be out of the house, don't start rebuilding the bike... lolz.
It should work out fine.

Gratuitous plug for free stuff, giftcards for food, mobile minutes, and beef jerky.
https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2TNGRHLIDJ0CF/ref=cm_go_nav_hz  my trip list


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