Do you even bike....Brah!

Well, had a big trip to HD this morning, now time to rest, for I have to go back and buy more wood.

Lets hope they have what I need, didn't seem like the shelves had been stocked right.
But got a 20' 2x8" and two 10' 2x6"s, couple of sheets of roofing to use as skirting as the old plywood wasn't long for this world.
Plus an 80lb bag of concrete, could have sworn I picked up a 50, but that was just the 50lib bag of mortar for the bricks.
Did not expect to have to redo the entire bathroom, from the ground up...but, it will get done.
 THis is the mess I have to replace, but first I have to use it to lift the side of the house, then do the center, then I can take out this mess.
 Right in front of the toilet is where the sink was venting under the floor, which means the sewer was venting into the house, no wonder these people had health issues.
 Do you even bike....Brah...
 Had to detach it because the load was lifting the bike.

 This is the lid to Swift's OZ peanut butter, the lid is pretty much toast, but the glass has measurements, so I'll keep that, as old glass is better than the modern stuff.

Six more 2x8"s to get, and I think I'll have to order them.  And the green stuff should show up next week.


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