How Bout them Cowboys....

As my Grandma Peaches used to say...she also pointed out that I am Precious, as her first grandchild you damn right I am.
So anyway, after the Seachickens lost to them Cowboys, I finished the wainscoting in the bathroom this weekend, yippie.
Fingers crossed that the door shows up tomorrow.
 This is looking down at the entryway on the porch.
 Looking down the porch almost finished.
 Yippie, scrounged enough of the old flooring to finish replacing what was all there.
 This is saturday, that back corner took all morning since the walls both lean in, and I was able to use the one piece cut at an angle to get that corner tight.
 And this is as far as I got sunday, and then I had to cut more old flooring to make the wainscoting.
 And this morning here's behind where the waterheater will go.
This is the finished wall, yea!
Now all it needs is a good sanding and paint, or in this case deck stain.


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