Fingers cramping but I got that electrical done...

One of the things I hate about doing electrical work is that my fingers start to cramp up when I'm in some odd spot on a ladder or some such and I just need to twist the wire...grrr.

But got it done, lights, done, recirculating fan, done.  True I still need to install the filter for the suck side, but I have what I need to do that.

You can see all three lights on the great room side in this pic.
 The picture just doesn't show how bright the bathroom is with those two lights.
 Lights out, and I also finished that outlet that will be back there by the sink, even used it today to trim the scalp.
 Here's the light with a shorter bulb on the bottom, thankfully I found a better replacement at HD.
Yup, that's air forcing those open, and it's not too noisy either.


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