Front door happiness....

The front door finally got here, it's not perfect, but it was $25 less than the next cheapest door.
Besides, since it isn't perfect it will fit in with the rest of the house.
The window is a little off, I assume I could pull the screws and straighten it, but then I'd have to re-seal it, blah blah, it's good the way it is.
 This is friday night, and you have no idea how many times I had to take it out an put it back in there to get it right.
 This is the baseboard molding I installed on the porch, all the way around.  True you usually don't install baseboard where the wall isn't finished, but I'm going to install lids between each 2x6 to make little cubbies, and that will give me something to do with the short boards I have.
 Also with baseboard all around it covers up the edge of the flooring.
 The baseboard is made from the old doorways, which were doorways made for a doorway that wasn't meant to have a door.
 Another use of the baseboard is that when installing a new door, the old side moldings are to short, so this makes them long enough.

And here it is, front door installed, and next is spray foam and then re-installing the siding on that plywood wall.


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