70 days and some things are coming together

Sold three things, then faced with a chance to buy something I had bid on a couple of years ago I just had to splurge, good thing it's really small, and didn't cost as much as the last one I bid on.
Next I need to complain to the Ins. Commissioner about Safeco, evidently when you give them too many things to do they screw it up, I hope to make them pay for their mistake, because when a human calls to make a change the person answering the phone should be able to make it happen.
But on to better news, bike, trailer, bags, all getting filled with the stuff I will need, pairing stuff down to keep the weight down, as weight is going to be the biggest pain.  Good news is after I finish off the pile of food I'm taking with me, I can leave the extra trailer in the dust, though I think that will be after AZ, NM, and into TX, because I assume I'll need it to carry water.
And in ten days I turn 49,  look at the birthday present I got myself.
It will go into the magic box of treasures I will have in storage, though I think I'll polish it up a bit, I want it shiny.

And who is it that goes around and +1's my posts, you would think I would get more than one +1, so maybe share people.


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