First post, the goal, to find that someplace, maybe find people that don't feel like I just got out of a lake and I'm covered in leaches.
Except for my Navy days, a few vacations, I've lived all my life in Seattle, it no longer exists.
I'm the Sneech without a star on my tummy, I ask myself why should I waste any more of my life feeding a system that doesn't work for me.
Back in middle school I lucked into the advance math class, I wasn't a prodigy, but I was doing the work, a month in that class, I worked hard, then the school took me out of that class because some kid who had "gotten off drugs" they wanted to reward him, and they said everything but "we know your going to do drugs so maybe we will reward you when you get off drugs", see there's only one reward for not doing drugs, not being a junkie, then you get the bill for everyone else who's doing drugs.
And as an adult, it's the same thing, junkies need this/that, I get the bill.
So yeah I'm gonna get on a bike, and live off the remnants of selling my house, which should get me to 65 for collecting the retirement I earned at my job then to that magic number 67 and there should be some social security left by then.

Oh and no job, wow, think about that, can't wait.


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