Doors, doggies and insulation

It's kind of hard to tell if the insulation is doing it's supposed to do when the weather warms back up, it was frosty mon/tues, and just moist grass this morning, so is the insulation doing it's job, I dunno.

I fixed the symmetrical problem with the trim, and insulated yesterday, so today was a moving stuff around and clean off the porch so I can get to demo in there and replace the front door.

Grrr, stupid google, I would like to use the computer myself, stop opening folders that I did not tell you to!
Google in their infinite wisdom want to encourage me to upload to the cloud, so rather than do what I tell it to do, it keeps opening the folders while I am trying to upload to the blog, all interrupting the upload, stupid stupid stupid!
 Symmetrical trim on top, looks so much better.
 And yes that wall on the left is really crooked.
 This is Little Man, he's nice, he came by because he was cold, strange he doesn't like the little coat they put on him.
 And this is 3&half legged dog, she's calmed back down after being led astray by that nuisance dog that was hanging around last week.


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