Four windows dealt with, three to go...

Busy weekend, new window installed, and two out of the three walls insulated so far, one to do tomorrow.
 Window installed, yippie, but can't get the flash to work without putting in the insulation.
 See, thems Jack Studs to keep the window from sagging from the weight above it.
 FInally some flash.
 Jack Studs above the window....

 And Saturday night when I could take a pic and get some flash.

 Yes, that is a corn cob used to seal up the gap between the siding on the porch and the floor of the porch, I installed 2x4s along there to seal those gaps.
 And with the 2x4s it made an even better surface for the insulation, the big pink spot is the former window.
And this is as far as I've gotten on the bedroom today, one more wall to go, and then I can start using sealant to seal the edges of the insulation.


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