Bathroom starting to look like a bathroom,

I don't have much else I can go do on the weekends, so I tend to get more done.
This weekend was more work on the bathroom, and a little work on the soffet vents.
 Started with one of these, then cut it into thirds, then cut those in half, then cut the bottom of the screen and fold over the metal to cover the screen.
 THen drill holes into the corners, and drill bigger holes into the soffet to get more airflow.
I think you can see the hole is bigger in this pic.  Screen keeps out the bugs, and the vent louvers catch the wind to circulate the air in the attic.

Insulated and leveled the ceiling, or as level as it's going to get.
 Then installed the cement board on the floor, taped and mudded the joints/edges.

Tomorrow is aligning the tub drain and drilling that hole in the floor, then it's time for the red water-proofing glue, after that dries I can start laying out the tile, cutting out the little while tiles and replacing them with blue one.  I'll save the little while 1" tiles for the threshold.


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