while I'm waiting, there are still many projects to get done...

Still waiting, and hoping that ACE will come through sometime soon.
So I worked on the skirt on the left side of the house, used hardibacker cement board, just cut it in half, this was the easy side since it's all about 18", the other sides I'll have to use the boards the 3' way instead of the 5' way.
This is the pile of old plywood, or as I call it, tomorrow's garbage to get rid of.

 I got as far as that back corner
 The windows are really in need, but I have a bit to do before I start replacing them.  But I am thinking I can start buying them.  Got a $150 freebie for signing up for a chase card, thank you for the free window chase.
 I stacked up the old bricks that were being used as pylons under the house along the side.
And here's the view from the front.


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