Plumbing rage...and some insulation

How I loathe plumbing fittings, it's either inside outside measures and for some reason they don't want to make it easy.
I needed to find a way to go from the old cast iron to new pvc, cutting out the old piece of lead that's smooshed due to the floor not being solid or level.

But I think I have what I need to connect the toilet, which is an important part of the bathroom.

But tomorrow I should be able to cut the first piece of subfloor for the bathroom, and with some luck maybe the second one too...
Here's some pics of half the floor insulated, glue and tape after I get the subfloor piece cut right.

After I get the subfloor piece in I an put the wall back in, with this thing called a "header", it's been tough teaching the house what those things are....
Subfloor part one in place, and some pics of the tape an glue...
 That's the tape.
 Hope the glue dries by tonight
 This is where the Red Hen is....
 That's stone spray foam.
And this is my new bracket, I think it's gonna last.


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