Wow, where did all that rain come from...

It's rained the last two mornings in a row, hard, and after nearly a month or two of no rain.
Lets me know I need to install those gutters and a rain barrel sooner rather than later.

Spend a few hours at the Texas Safety Office, because that's where you get your license here in Texas, so now I'm a Texan.

Next couple of days will be trips to HD, maybe even a trip over to Tractor Supply for the rain barrel.
Need new floor joists, 16 footers, that'll be a couple of trips, plus a few pavers to support the two 4"x6"x20' beams I just got into the house. 
So this job keeps on going, but it does seem to be getting closer to having a real floor in the house, then I have to move out of my studio apt on the porch.


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