One more pylon

This pylon was falling over anyway, wasn't much of a footer under it, so I extended the pylon back a half brick so it would hook under the middle support beam.
Looks like I'll have to do the same for the corner pylon, but that's maybe sunday's job.
 As you an see, got the hole floor taken up...
 That's the mid-support beam, and my new waterline, the beam should help keep the pylon from tipping over like it did for those last people
 That 2x4 is just there, just in case, I have another 2x4 and some spacers drying after I coppercoated them.
 See, that's the horrible mortar they did, though I might be able to clean off what I think is hydraulic cement and use the bricks over again.
The top wedge just came off without much fuss.


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