Thare be Beams out there...

After finishing the pylons and installing a new pressure treated 2x6 across the left wall, I could get started installing the floor joists, then I ran out of screws with needing only three more to finish the last hurricane strap.
FYI: lathe screws are really good for installing joist hangers, metal brackets, mending plates, etc.  They have a superior shear strength and if you need to you can take things apart.
Still need to finish the last two 16 footers on the center of the house side, but I was pooped after working all day.  They are attached on the left wall side though.
Pretty soon I'll be leveling up...

 If you look to the right that's where I lag bolted the new with the old, for a continuous level floor.
 THis is the corner where I had to redo the most of it.
 There it is, all freshly mortared up.

THis was the center of the left wall, the top two layers fell apart, but I fixed it.


  1. Replies
    1. Just wait until I insulate an get some subfloor down, then it's really gonna rock.


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