
Showing posts from May, 2018

Here's some pics of the bathroom and of the new subfloor going in...

That left wall is very crooked, so I've had to cut those first two to line them up, but it means I'll have to run the flooring the short way.  Getting that corner to line up, or getting the seams of the subfloor to line up with the beams. That's with the spacers in the bathroom doorway, keeping the 24" on center in line with the 18" on center of the bathroom. Tired from dragging home 9 sheets of OSB subflooring yesterday, they had 10% off, so had to get the deal, saved $22.

Thare be Beams out there...

After finishing the pylons and installing a new pressure treated 2x6 across the left wall, I could get started installing the floor joists, then I ran out of screws with needing only three more to finish the last hurricane strap. FYI: lathe screws are really good for installing joist hangers, metal brackets, mending plates, etc.  They have a superior shear strength and if you need to you can take things apart. Still need to finish the last two 16 footers on the center of the house side, but I was pooped after working all day.  They are attached on the left wall side though. Pretty soon I'll be leveling up...  If you look to the right that's where I lag bolted the new with the old, for a continuous level floor.  THis is the corner where I had to redo the most of it.  There it is, all freshly mortared up. THis was the center of the left wall, the top two layers fell apart, but I fixed it.

One more pylon

This pylon was falling over anyway, wasn't much of a footer under it, so I extended the pylon back a half brick so it would hook under the middle support beam. Looks like I'll have to do the same for the corner pylon, but that's maybe sunday's job.  As you an see, got the hole floor taken up...  That's the mid-support beam, and my new waterline, the beam should help keep the pylon from tipping over like it did for those last people  That 2x4 is just there, just in case, I have another 2x4 and some spacers drying after I coppercoated them.  See, that's the horrible mortar they did, though I might be able to clean off what I think is hydraulic cement and use the bricks over again. The top wedge just came off without much fuss.

Wow, where did all that rain come from...

It's rained the last two mornings in a row, hard, and after nearly a month or two of no rain. Lets me know I need to install those gutters and a rain barrel sooner rather than later. Spend a few hours at the Texas Safety Office, because that's where you get your license here in Texas, so now I'm a Texan. Next couple of days will be trips to HD, maybe even a trip over to Tractor Supply for the rain barrel. Need new floor joists, 16 footers, that'll be a couple of trips, plus a few pavers to support the two 4"x6"x20' beams I just got into the house.  So this job keeps on going, but it does seem to be getting closer to having a real floor in the house, then I have to move out of my studio apt on the porch.

Sontar HA! and the last 20' beam I have to drag home...

Just 16' and 12' 2x6s from now on, the 20' ones tend to drag on the ground a little. But I got the 23' 4x6 beams I need to put under the floor joists to make everything level and solid. Screwed and glued them, then hit them with the copper coat to keep the bugs away. Let them dry while I finish taking up the hallway. Tonight is KFC coupon night, and a Taco Bueno freebie. See, floor ripped up, and new beams that will have to go out the back door, to be slid under the house.