Finished the door, and part two of what was left of the snow


Okay lets try typing this again, google is evil, so the pic below is the back of the knob, since there isn't room for a whole door knob on the back, look at all them holes in the door.

Locking mechanism, true it's upside down and backwards, but that's where it was, look at the pretty brass screws....look at the pretty.
And this isn't the knob I wanted to use, but I don't have a shaft that will work with that knob, so this one will do.
Here's before I put the knob in.
Look at all them cat tracks, they were some busy little vermin....
Gonna have to get a trap, and turn them over to the pound, might also catch that HUGE opossum I saw last night, he's a brute, like a NY rat, or Democrat politician....


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