One window to go!

Woot, super busy productive weekend, finished the front window and then finished one on the left side of the house, leaving one window left to replace.
The front window was a toughy, as the stud in the wall wasn't plumb, so had to slowly pull the siding off so I could cut the nails and move the wall stud over on the bottom to make it plumb.
The left side of the house window was actually good to go, so just had to install framing for the window to be screwed into.
Weather is a bit tricky as it was bright and sunny last afternoon and it went from that to thunder, lightening and a down pore, still raining today. 
Hoping it's dry this weekend.....
 This is where I was on Saturday night.

Sorry for the fog, the lens was a bit foggy before I noticed it.

 ANd this is where I was on sunday night, can't get the flash to work on the camera sometimes so I have to take a pic at night.
 This is the front window.
And this is the left side window....


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