Pics of Wildlife and a new Solar Fan

TOmorrow I turn 50, urk, but today, got a whole lot done, cleaned up after cutting the old kitchen flooring into 54" pieces to put onto the bathroom wall as wainscoting, I only needed about 60 pieces, I think I have about 70.  Nasty work was using a wire brush to clean the tongue an groove on each piece, still need to run it all through the planer for a clean surface to apply stain/sealer.

Installed a solar powered fan for the bathroom, so it should suck all day long.
Yes that little hole is for the fan, still need to finish the 'box' under this thing, then install the vent cover.  Need to install it flush with where the metal I'll put in the ceiling and insulation, so it will have to extend down a little.

THen I bought the durrock for the bathroom floor, and insulation for the ceiling.

And as I was drinking my morning tea I noticed how one of the front yard lizards was using the post the mailbox is on for shade and as a hunting cute.
 THis one is through the screen so it's a little blurry.
 Managed to snap one pic before he scattered.


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