Oh I left at the right time

Made it to yelm on day one&1/2.
Had a small equipment fail on the seatpost clamp, but the cool guys at  ghybikes.com/ hooked me up, well organized shop, as in it took a few seconds for Corey the guy helping me to find what I needed.  Seat saved, easy peasy.
After a few struggles late last night, cool guy named Justin helped me out when I was having, you guessed it, more trailer failure, got it fixed for now, and with some luck one of the two surly dealers in portland have a replacement for the right hand thread bold to keep the wheel on.
I managed to fix it in the home depot parking lot, after Justin dropped me off, and he wasn't kidding about some of the people up to no good north of JBLM,  If I had to tell the Base Commander a tip, I would make north of the base off limits from sundown to sunup.
Managed to find a place to camp, it was so cold, got a couple of hours sleep though, but it was so cold.
Cool things I saw were not just the usual Orion that you can see even with light pollution in the city, I was able to see the big dipper and little dipper as I rode down the yelm bike trail in the dark.
Made it to Elderberry(old hwy 99), and now it's on to Portland.
So big thanks to Justin, and the Yelm Police(yeah they stopped me, but they were really nice about it) just doing their job.
Sadly found a small level, and a ratchet wrench but since I don't have a way to sell them, left them behind.

Last thanks is the trailer getting lighter, since I've been eating the food on it.
And here's some pictures to tide you over, one is of the frost on my C-bag, and the other is of a tree sticking out of the water.


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