Chicken coop new coop....

 There was all this wasted space under the chicken coop playhouse thing the previous people left behind, so I re did the Cross X Members and put them on the inside.

Then using the old wood I haven't gotten rid of I walled up three sides and made a flip up door for one side, the goal is to put the table saw and the miter saw under there, since I don't use them much, dry, and locked up with bike locks, plus all the stuff you need to use the saws are in a bin hidden in the house.  

So steal the saw, they worthless without the goodies.

It was hot, really hot, heat stress was a constant during getting this done this weekend.

Back side

Back side I haven't finished the trim over the corners

This is the flip up door.

Dead on front, yes I need a step.

Front from an angle.


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