New Shed was adopted by a chicken....

 He's a big bird, and except for that right eye, seems healthy.  and over the weekend he spent time perched on the frame for my shed.

On Saturday he seemed to be in some sort of posturing with the big red chicken that lives on the goat farm with many hens, they were in front of my house so I stepped out to keep things from ending up like Ukraine.  Evidently Big Red is a southpaw, as my visitor didn't seem to open his right eye.

I even got him to eat some tortilla that I tossed at him, so at least he's eating, sadly he seems to have been chased away by a stray dog that Prison B*tch who lives down in a camper down the street lets loose.  He might come back tonight. 

Here he is at the start of work on sunday, and it's at this point I realize I forgot to take after pics of the shed, where I put in the angle braces, straps, and even got started on the skirt.


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